CyBOK Online Mapping

The CyBOK Mapping Framework as documented on the CyBOK Use Case Page can be used in order to relate keywords or a set of keywords, extracted e.g. from a cyber security module description, to content in the CyBOK Knowledgebase. This can be helpful in the context of preparing documentation required for NCSC Certification of a UK degree in cyber security.

In order to map the CyBOK with a teaching unit or curriculum, another view of the CyBOK Knowledge Base is required, which is organised into Broad Categories, Knowledge Areas, Topics and Indicative Materials.

The necessary mapping methodology is described in the Mapping Framework Guidance and requires four additional documents, aiding in the process.

The approach proposed in our project and documented on this website is to combine all the information in these existing documents in one online outline, hosted on Dynalist, to significantly simplify the workflow required for the mapping.

By using this outline, searching for keywords not only reveals their existence within the CyBOK, but retrieves the entire context of the keyword: from the top-level Broad Category with increasing granularity all the way down to the Indicative Material. This contextual information can be exported into plain text, or a number of additional formats using our export tool.

This simple interactive approach provides a user-friendly method of mapping the CyBOK that is easier than consulting multiple PDF documents. There are less documents to sift through, less tables to fill out, and there is less time overall spent on the mapping exercise.

A document that explains our novel mapping workflow in detail will be available here for download soon.

You can try the embedded outline below or visit the public Dynalist document.

Enter keyword(s) now and start mapping your cyber security course to the CyBOK (use commas to search for multiple terms at once):

The embedded CyBOK Online Mapping Outline contains all the necessary contextual information (Broad Categories, Knowledge Areas, Descriptions, Topics and Indicative Material) for mapping.