CyBOK Online

This website offers interfaces, tools and resources that let professionals, educators, students and any individual interested in cyber security engage with the CyBOK (Cyber Security Body of Knowledge), and use this knowledge base effectively.

he CyBOK is a UK initiative to establish a body of knowledge for cyber security and is the current framework used to inform NCSC Certified educational programmes.

Here are the use cases that are currently supported or discussed on this website:

Below is the embedded CyBOK 1.0 Online Outline, containing an outline of all 20 Knowledge Areas in one single hierarchy. In addition, links to the corresponding PDF documents on the original CyBOK website are provided for convenient cross-referencing and accessing information at deeper levels, in detail.

Try it out below - explore by expanding, collapsing, zooming in or search for keywords here (use commas to search for multiple terms at once):

The embedded CyBOK 1.0 Online Outline, hosted on Dynalist

If you are interested in the Mapping Framework, a different outline is used - more information can be found on the Mapping framework page of this site.